Thursday, July 22, 2010


Hello... My name is Jennifer and I'm a blog hopper/stalker!

Yes, it's true! I could spend hours reading random peoples blogs! If it's about crafts, or food, or home improvements - I am all about it! How do I find them? Well, I read a friends blog, and if they mention something - I'll look it up, or follow the link to the next thing. If that one is interesting - I'll follow another link... It is a never ending cycle and I have found SO many fun things that I want to do/try/make...

And... it's a great way to avoid doing the stuff I really need to do!


Anonymous said...

Haha, YOU STALKER!!! I confess, I do the same thing!

Kim said...

Me as well. I just haven't gotten the nerve to create my own blog. Maybe I will.