Friday, October 18, 2013

June 21, 2013

Okay, we are a little bit behind – but not by much. Today my follicles got much bigger – I have 3 of them at 15, so I started the antagonist immediately! They ordered two and a half more days worth of meds for me – so I will at least have drugs through Sunday night. I go back on Sunday morning. I’m thinking I will probably trigger on Sunday night or Monday at the latest – which would put me a day or two after the initial scheduled retrieval, but what do you do.

I’m not feeling super hormonal – well, that’s not entirely true. I am a little hormonal, in fact, I’m pretty darn exhausted and kind of weepy. I started to cry a little yesterday while at work because my head hurt so bad.  I left work and got a Mt. Dew (since I can’t take any drugs) and then went home and relaxed in my cool dark basement. It was really nice, and my headache kind of went away while I slept.  I think maybe I’m a bit dehydrated because today I’ve got a headache too.  Bleh.  

I’m sad that I’m missing Spencer’s Ironman this Sunday, but Travis and I knew that when we started IVF again we wouldn’t be able to leave town, so we are stuck here regardless. If it results in a niece or nephew, I think Spencer will be just fine with it!

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